Little Charlie Ann is 8 weeks old today. It goes so quickly! I
have already posted pictures of her first and second weeks... so here is the newest:
Week 3
My debut week in Springfield, Missouri. Everyone is wanting to come visit and hold me. I definitely got passed around for 6 hours on Thanksgiving Day to every aunt, uncle, cousin and every great aunt, great uncle and second cousins, and of course passed to all the great grandparents too. I was pretty much the hit of the party, although I don't remember a thing because I slept ALL day. Also this week, I met my dad's side of the family, watched my grandma run a 5k, met my great-great grandma and did a lot of Christmas shopping in the mall. I am really loved by everybody!
Grandma's house was super ready for me, I had a pack-n-play, a bassinet, a bouncer, a swing, diapers, wipes, a dresser, a boppy, a carseat, a stroller and new clothes. A girl could get used to this kind of treatment! But, I am a big fussypants at night and don't want to go to sleep before 11:30pm/12am. But after I get walked and rocked and everyone knows I am here, I usually give in and go to sleep til around 3am.

This week I started to make a few tiny, little sweet sounds if someone talks to me. I am also going to bed closer to 10:30 and waking up at 5am for breakfast! Mom is happy to get some extended sleep, and I am too.
This week I met a lot of Mom's friends and we went on some big shopping trips, but I dont mind cause I get to be carried in a sling!
I am getting better and better at sleeping through the nite, and after my 5am breakfast, I go right back to sleep until second breakfast at 8am. Everyone is happy about this! I am also cracking tiny little grins to Mom and Grandma and Gabby and few lucky others.
Week 6

Dad came this week! I have missed him the last month. He doesn't let anyone else hold me, and that's okay... we have a lot of catching up to do. I am celebrating Christmas and phew, another l-o-n-g day of being held and passed around to all of Mom's relatives. So fun, but so exhausting!
All I remember about this week is.. THE CARSEAT! We drove for three days from Missouri all the way to Southern California. Where I slept in a drawer, a chair and a king sized bed, but I did not sleep in my carseat.
8 Weeks Today!
Hello again, SoCal. I am so loving this warm weather here. I get to wear dresses, take lots of walks outside and enjoy the sunshine.