Thursday, October 3, 2013

One Year

One year (and one day) ago we moved to New York and into our first house. 

Thinking back to this time last year, I am so grateful it is behind us! Last year, during the last week of September, Jarod had already been in New York six weeks without us, living at a campground, a hotel, a friend's futon, a park bench... okay not really a park bench, but the others, yes.  I was ansy back in Missouri to see my husband, load up, and get moved and settled into our New York house. I had enjoyed my summer with my family, but with the key word being "summer", and here it was the end of September, all parties involved were ready to be where they were supposed to be. The realtors and mortgagers and whoever else kept needing more and more paperwork and hoops for us and no one could land on a closing date. 

Finally, Sept 27, Jarod called and said, there's a possibility we will close this week. So on a hope, we rented the truck, drive to Oklahoma to get our things out of storage and on eastward to New York.
(Dad and Jarod's Dad loading up our stuff in Oklahoma). 

(At my mom's cousins farm about two hours south of Rochester). 

September 30, we showed up, spent a few days with distant family in Mid New York while we waited for an official date to close and have keys jingling in our hand. At last, October 2, 2012, 9am- our closing date. By 10:30 that day we were unloading the truck into our place. Such a fiasco to get here, but well worth it. And so glad I'm not doing it all again THIS year! 

Home keys!!

Day two at our new house. 

Our first winter.  

Spring snow. 

And our first summer. 

Love our house!!

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