Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our First CookOut

We had a "first" yesterday evening--a GRILL OUT! I made burgers (for the first time!) and we grilled up a few Oscar Meyer 'dogs (for the first time too!). It was totally fun, totally good and totally on my repeat list for June! Haha. In honor of the upcoming summer, we decided to have a Barbecue theme for Jarod's weekly spiritual formation group at Talbot. So we jammed 10 1/2 people [that inlcudes little Nannie :)] into our teeny apartment and shared a meal and some fun conversation together. Everyone pitched in, brought part of the menu and shared in prep & clean up. Jarod did especially awesome grilling! :) It was such a good, good time. We feel so honored to already have a strong community surrounding us and good friends to share life (and burgers!) with out here. And I was totally enjoying myself and FORGOT to take any pictures! Haha.

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